5 Days in Support of RaY

Help us make a difference.

5 Days is a national campaign run by the Canadian Association of Business Students that strives to raise awareness and donations for members of society that are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. ‍ All is done with the goal of sensitizing and educating the public on one of the major problems in this country. Donations raised are given to local shelters and programs to support their services within the community.

This year, the University of Manitoba’s 5 Days committee have organized a variety of fundraising events to assist Resource Assistance for Youth in carrying out their goals.

Join us at 5 Days Week, which will be taking place from February 10th – 14th, 2025 to learn more!

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Resource Assistance for Youth

5 Days UManitoba is proud to support Resource Assistance for Youth.

RaY is for youth who need a helping hand, regardless of the reason. RaY’s programs and services are tailored to support homeless and marginalized young people as they reach their own independence. They offer assistance every step of the way. Over a 1000 young people from every background imaginable come to RaY each year to better their lives.

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5 Days UManitoba Committee

Coordinating 5 Days for the Homeless takes a team of dedicated volunteers. This year, the 5 Days Committee consisted of 13 students from the University of Manitoba. 5 Days UManitoba is proudly organized by the Commerce Students’ Association.

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